AURIN+ARUP hackathon: ChargeQuest (1st prize)

The study developed a roll-out strategy for the provision of on-street parking bays based on a hierarchy of parking bay suitability as a function of net solar potential and existing supply deficit. The product of this study could be used by policymakers and planners to inform decision-making regarding the provision of EV charging points across the District. Thanks to our wonderful 1-day team members: Yaguang (Ozzy) Tao (RMIT), Nayomi Ranamuka (RMIT), Prawal Lohani (RMIT), Bernice van Dyk (AIRE Consulting) ...

11 March 2024 · 1 min · Herve Senot

Solar Atlas

Developed in response to a competitive tender by the NSW government to provide added value for open data, the Solar Atlas is a way to assess roof suitability for solar PV, at scale (locality / region) and at a high level of granularity allowed by LiDAR data(30cm). The Solar Atlas platform is a collaboration with UrbanEP’s Nathan Toovey and Nathan Malin. Their website has an extensive write-up of the project.

11 March 2016 · 1 min · Herve Senot

Developed while studying Sustainable Energy Systems at RMIT, and with the help of a social entrepreneurship grant from RMIT Social Entreprise group, this platform aims at visualising data that by-large remains invisible in our society: energy data. These visualisations are linking the personal - smart meter data - to the collective - national energy market and solar data. Smart meter data can be uploaded to the platform for an interactive heatmap visualisation, revealing patterns and anomalies. ...

11 March 2013 · 1 min · Herve Senot

apps4NSW hackathon: Bike Community Hub (2nd prize)

This entry to the apps4NSW hackathon was lead by the idea of combining multiple datasets of interest to the cycling community, including bike routes and reported cycling accidents (VicRoads) along with the ability for cyclists to contribute their own “near misses” and safety hotspots. It came from the insight that most cycling accidents or near misses are not reported hence there is a knowledge gap in cycling infrastructure. Local representatives were also highlighted for community members to voice their concerns to them. ...

11 March 2009 · 1 min · Herve Senot